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For my crafts I mainly use 4 articles of leather:


 Vegetable tanned* "Buttero" leather, from Conceria Walpier tannery in Italy. "Buttero" is top grade italian veg tan* quite firm leather, dense structure. Grainy, rich color, slightly glossy look surface. Nice to touch, over time develops nice patina.

Buttero leather
Buttero leather colours


Vegetable tanned* "Pueblo" leather, form Badalassi Carlo tannery in Italy. "Pueblo" finest italian veg tan* leather, softer than "Buttero". Leather has unique matte rustic surface look. Leather has pleasant smell. Nice patina develops really fast , color becomes darker and surface develops smoother glossy look. If you are a fan of leather patina, this leather is definitely for you!

Pueblo leather
Pueblo leather colours


Vegetable tanned* "Minerva" leather, form Badalassi Carlo tannery in Italy. "Minerva" finest italian veg tan* leather, very similar to "Pueblo" just surface is smooth & matt. Leather has pleasant smell. Nice patina develops really fast , color becomes darker and surface develops glossy look. 



Minerva leather colours


Genuine Shell Cordovan from Horween tannery in Chicago, IL (USA). Shell Cordovan is very specific type of leather that only comes in a round shape from the rump of a horse. Each horse hide has only 2 shells ±2.5 sqft in size. Tanning process takes over 6 months and it did not changed since 1905. Shell Cordovan is extremely durable , flexible leather with glossy, rich in color, surface. Smell of Shell is wonderful. Over time it develops nice patina. Shell Cordovan is like a wine, with time it becomes only better. Crafts of Shell Cordovan will last you lifetime.

 Read more: "Shell Cordovan explained"

Horween Shell Cordovan
Horween Shell Cordovan colours

*Tanning is the process of treating skins and hides of animals to produce leather. Vegetable tanning uses tannins (a class of polyphenol astringent chemicals), which occur naturally in the bark and leaves of many plants.


For my crafts is being used "Ritza Tiger" 0.8mm polyester thread, strong and durable. Quite thick thread give not only durability, but its also nice detail of craft.

Ritza Tiger thread colours
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